Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Stop Hurting My Brain! 11#

Can you imagine? I mean I'm sitting there one morning happy to find a new idea about riddles.
It was my very first and I was extremely excited!
Look now, Its the 11th blog on Stop Hurting My Brain!
Ok, so let's stop talking about me and my life, and move on to hurting you brain.
Ummmmmm... Oh yah, last weeks winners were....(drumroll)...
Aashay (first) and Atarah (second)!
Your prize is...
A 54 flat screen T.V with My Sky HDI and surround sound!
Kidding, you know what you get.

The answers for last weeks brain munching riddles?
Easy:The letter 'H'

And obviously this week butterfly turning riddles:
Easy:I arrive one in every second, once in every minute, and once in every year. What am I?
Hard:How could a cowboy ride into town on Friday, stay for two days, and ride out of town on Friday?

Ok, remember, your into win a two- eyed rabbit with orange ears and a devils tail!
( not true, so don't expect anything).


7teen Crew said...

The letter E and his horses name was Friday.

Aashay...........ummmm...I forgot....ohhh you know anyway

7teen Crew said...

That's obviously correct.
Great Aashay