Tuesday, November 23, 2010


"Sniff, Sniff" that is the sound of my mum trying to hold back her tears as she watches a romance movie (puke). But to me, they are honestly and truly boring.
I mean all that happens is that they are in love,
Then they have a fight,
Next thing you know they are together and live happily ever after?!!
Every single of of them is just the same.
I mean how many of you see your parents cry when they watch a movie?
1,2,3,4,5,6,7... Okay, so basically alot.
Its just not romance to, I HEART comedies, but a couple of years ago my mum started crying in a movie that was actually a comedy!

Me and my brother just stared in shock,
Then Bursted out laughing. In a good way Ofcourse because who dosent love their mum?

Anyway, this is my opinion and I just wanted to share it with you.
But obviously you have your own.
So do you like romance movies? Or would you prefer something else like me?

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