Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It might actually come true!

"What if..."
Like every other school day me and Leija were walking home from school in the Blazing hot sun.
Mouth open, Tongue out, and feet dragging along.

"What if the was like a big waterfall that starts from Summerland Primary, you go in it and it'll magically lead you to your house?" I blurted out .
"Or a mini Go kart that had a swimming pool on the bottom?"
"How about we're walking on the red carpet and everytime a camera flashes a wind blows on your face?"
See me and Leija were extremely hot, "Uggh get out of our way!" said Leija to a snail as she pushed it away with her foot. OK back to dreaming...

"Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a maze made entirely of ice-cream!"
"Of course a slide with fizzy drinks as water is wayyy better! Don't you agree!"

So it kept going on and on...until we had reached our houses.
We hadn't even noticed how far we had walked!
I love dreaming/wishing ... who knows? It might actually come true!


7teen Crew said...

"Uggh get out of our way!" said Leija to a snail as she pushed it away with her foot. HAHAHAHAHAHA! LOVE THAT PART!

Curious Leija :D

7teen Crew said...

Told you it was gonna be added.
I HEART that part too!
Bt it's wayyyyyyyyyyy funnier in person...