Friday, December 31, 2010

Start of something NEW!

A very quick message to say:
HAPPY NEW TEARS! Opps.. I mean Happy NEW YEARS!!!!
oh... Pinch and a punch for the fisrt of the month!
I can't wait for the new year to come by and espeacially the adventures that ride along with it. Can you?
Jump!.. Jump!.. Jump! Yay! Yay! Yay!....
Sorry just doing my YAY! jump! :D

So have fun take all your opportunities and

Thursday, December 30, 2010

If you get a chance, take it!

Remember when you were 3, so innocent and clueless about everything.
A spoiled little child. Didn't have a care in the world. It was paradise!
But time flies by and those spoiled careless days are overpowered by vacuuming, washing dishes and cleaning the dogs poop in the backyard. Uggggggghh...

So again time flew by and again the year is over, after tomorrow is New Years day.
New Years day is a day where well.. Basically it's a new year.
You should of know that already but just incase I had to tell :D.

I can't wait for the adventures ahead of me!
So if you get a chance, take it.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said it would be easy.
They just promised it would be worth it.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Stop Hurting My Brain!19#

Hey! Hey! Hey! kids it's me!...
Ok I don't have the slightest clue about where I'm going with this.
But 1 thing I do know is that Leija and umm... Oh, Atarah! Were last weeks winners!
The answers were:

Hard:1 brother cause each sister has that 1 brother

Do you want to hear this weeks riddles?
Well if you do,good for you.
If you don't, I don't see the point.

Easy: Why wasn't John able to take photos of his mum with an umbrella?
Hard: If I tell you "everything is a lie" am I telling the truth or a lie.

That might give you something to think about.
So Einstein, I don't know the answers, you tell me.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Tourist

"Crunch...crunch" I'm eating my popcorn waiting for the movie to start. I stare down at the box, really?! The movie hasn't even started and I'm halfway through finishing my popcorn.

Today we went to Albany Mall (see we go to LOTS of malls) and we shopped for a bit.
Had lunch. And shopped even more. Finally entering the movies to watch 'The Tourist' staring
Angelina Jolie and Jonny Depp.

Here was the synopsis:
Revolves around Frank, an American tourist visiting Italy to mend a broken heart. Elise is an extraordinary woman who deliberately crosses his path.

I enjoyed the movie, most likely you will to depending on your taste.
Oh, and ALL Jonny Depp/Angelina Jolie fans will LOVE this.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Celebration x2!

Hey! How's your Christmas going?
We celebrated yesterday and HEAPS of presents were given out.
Wrappers were everywhere and well... That meant we had to clean everywhere!
The food was good, and scrumptious. I ate so much I felt like puking.
We had a water fight at surprisingly somewhere around 12:00 and it the only light was from the party and the moon. So we hid behind cars and in the depths of the darkest places.
But time flies by so it soon stopped and so will today. *Tear trickles down*

Now, what a big coincidence.
Right on Christmas Day I do my 100th post (including this one)!
So I'm also celebrating my 100th post witha bottle of beer and a night out! Kidding.

So have a Merry Christmas, a happy new year, and spend as much time with your family as you can. That is the bet gift you can ever receive or give.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve! (huh?!)

Merry Christmas Eve! Wait what?
*Santa comes on stage*

"HO, Ho,Ho Merry Christmas everyone. Last weeks 2 adorable winners were...
Atarah and Leija! Good,good girls they are!"      *Makes a face*
So congrates.  This week there is no riddles cause I'm very busy.

But if you look up there ^ just under the title and quote, there is a tongue twister.
Just a reminder that there will be one weekly now.
Of to my party now so, Ho HO Ho! And Merry Christmas Eve!  (Weird)

*Gets on sleigh and rides off*

To your hearts content!

I wake up at the sound of sweet birds chirping and leaves swaying about on a chilly Christmas eve. How nice is that? But now comes the truth,
I wake up... Hearing nothing but the sound of.. A lawn mower??!
Ok, so not the best start to Christmas Eve but soon things are bound to get better.
Tonight we're going to a Christmas party and probably staying up until Christmas morning.
The food is going to be scrumotious and everyone will be eatin to their hearts content.

There will be bigger Nerf wars
And maybe some fun water fights.
So eat, play and unwrap all your present guys!

I can't wait for presents!... I mean family time.. Yeah..
So have a very Merry Christmas Eve!
(Say what?!)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Shhh... Keep it down!

Home SWEET... Home. Nothing like lying back and sucking a lollie on your favourite couch.
Just like I said, we've been out from dusk till... Now. I mean dusk till dawn.
And we only just finished "Meet The Little Fockers" at the movies.
It's good, some really funny bits (but knowing me, I laugh at anything anyway) and some
My brain couldn't properly understand.
So if this holidays your up for hilarious scenes or father in law wars. This is your movie.
But if you'd prefer some adventures with a talking rat,
Narnia is for you (which I've also recently watch).

Just sit back, enjoy and dip your ice-cream into some popcorn.
Now it might seem disgusting at start but you won't be able to take your mouth away from it once you've decided to use my advice.

Shhhhhh... Another movies starting, Bye!


*Snoring.........snoring* yet even more... *Snoring*
These past few days haven't been the most boring days for me.
Actually it's the opposite apart from collapsing because of tiredness.

About each place we went to we spent more than 2 and a half hours in.
Mall-Sylvia Park
Mall-Glenfield x 2
Movie-Meet the little Fockers
City x2

Yip my week is packed. What's more? In between, there are movies we rent and watch,
Nerf wars (thousands) and especially my BLOG!
Yip so this is a WARNING that I might not blog as much.
Sorry, but I'm FULLY BOOKED.
See ya tonight! (maybe)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Umm hello?!

"Umm, Hi can I please speak to Shari."
"Who is this?"

This is a common coversation people have when on the phone.
But read the last line ("Who is this?").
When someone in the street, mall anywhere!... Calls out my name I would immediately recognize them and greet them back.
But on the phone, everyones voice sounds different.
Recently I was talking with my friend Bridget on the phone. When her mum handed the phone over I couldn't identify if she was a 5 year old kid I didn't know or my close BFF Bridget.
Weirs aye?!! Don't you feel that way?

But in the end, it's fun to tell people they sound like a 5 year old when they strive to be mature. *Shiver..Shiver*

I would like... For Christmas.

"We wish you a merry Christmas... We"
Oh Hi, as you all know Christmas is only 2 days ahead.
Jump, jump, jump! Yay, yay, yay! That's me jumping for joy!
But as much as I want to talk over The joy of Christmas, that's not the job I was sent for.

So I'm here to tell you that from votes put in, 70% more people want to sing with Justin Beiber over Zac Efron.

But this weeks votes is what would you like for Christmas:

Your own personal Laptop
A trip for 3 weeks in any country you want.

Wow, that's hard.
But since I've been a VERY good girl Santa will get me both! Kidding.

Awaiting an Adventure

"Sean......What can I blog about!"
I'm getting annoyed at him for nothing because I can't think of a blog to write about.
It's sad. But thats what girls do, get annoyed about the smallest of things.
(Not that I have anything against girls).   "How about you write about how great I am!"
Finally! An Idea! Which is not going to happen.

Don't you guys just long for an adventure to pop up in front of your very eyes and say
"Come to me! I'm and adventure awaiting!" In a high pitched squeaky voice.

From climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro to sun-bathing with sharks... I don't care, just take me somewhere!
Bet everyone feels that way. I mean, sometimes when I'm sitting on the mat in school,
I see children fiddling with their fingers, so interested because  what they were previously doing was a hundred times worse!     Or if picking their nose wasn't bad enough. ( Ughhhhhhh )

Ok, since that thought came to me, I'm now going to quietly puke in a corner.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Stop Hurting My brain! 17#

Bam! My mum get out of the car and shuts her door.
I wake up feeling exhausted from coming back from City.
And I arrive at approximately 8:11 right here, right now making a blog post.
Last weeks winner was... Nicholas!  He wins... absolutely nothing! Are you excited or what!?

Previous weeks answers were:
Easy:     round as a button, deep as a well. If you want me to talk, you must first pull my tail.      A Bell

Hard:    They can trickle down, they can tickle too.
            Or make You sneeze, or comfort you.
            They're rustling sound, you've rarely heard.
            Unless your a pillow or a bird! What are they?   Feathers!

And this weeks wolf-howling rooster-quacking (say what!) riddles :
Easy:               What stinks when living and smells good when dead?

Hard:   Mom and Dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family?

I end up here at 10:57 finishing what I started .
Have fun, actually turn on your brain, and don't cheat!

SuperNatural Guru! Here to save man-kind

"Awe...I must imagine how bored everyone is now that it's the school holidays."
Lucky for SuperNatural Guru he's all the way here in Hawai!
But unluckily SuperNatural Guru still has to put up with you.... 

Lets get these quotes over and done with so I can enjoy my sun-bathing.
(Funny quotes on Boredom)

             Perhaps the world's second worst crime is boredom. The first is being a bore.

           Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice and need

So there are your quotes, need advice? Contact me in the comments below.
Stay safe, don't be a bore, and see you next week!

If I decide to comeback from this relaxing place.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Morph! Where magic happens!

Bored? Read this.

Why i am not a boring person.

I am not a boring person because I live on a planet that balances on 1 star called "Morph".
Morph is nothing like Earth. My beautiful planet is the shape of a monkey with a ball.
Einstein came for a holiday one and helped us build a 'Pyra' which is a flying solar powered transport we use.
When it rain really hard in earth,the aliens who live there say "It's raining cats and dogs!". But here cats and dogs actually come down to us with jelly beans as earings.
In morph we have animals like Hippophant, Octodile,Jellyark and heaps more!
Here our rainbow is an upside down smile so we use it for... A gigantic waterside!

Those are yet only the basics of morph.
Like a speck of dust on earth. Come visit and see the magic happen!

Weird aye! I created it myself!

Who are you singing your duet with?

"La, la, la....... Blah.. Blah....."
Do you like singing?
Well, say you did and you had that gift of singing. Every person you ever sung to fell In love with your voice. One day a man comes and offers you a contract, stating that you do a duet with someone in front of a live audience.
You agree and want to find out who your partner is.
He says "Well I got two very good singers in my mind,..."
And he tells you the options.

Justin Beiber
Zac Efron

Who would you choose?
Voting poll is just to your right ------>

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Oh no!  I always knew this day would come when I suddenly got bored of everything.
So I've decided to make a blog post to try help you and myself all at once! Am I clever or what!
Okay, so read more if your tired of having nothing to do, your parents are telling to put your socks in the wash or simply because your wife is nagging you yet again!

Here are things I read that entertain me for 4:32 seconds:

Six Truths About life:
1. You cannot stick out your tongue and look up at the ceiling at the same time.
2. All boofheads, after reading that will try it...
3. Discover its a lie, and smile because your a boofhead.
4. You will want to try it on another boofhead
5. Theres still a smile on your face            

Three stages of a man
1. He believes in Santa
2. He doesn't believe in Santa                  
3. He is Santa

I am Nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore I am PERFECT

Hope that gave you 4:32 seconds of the opposite of not no-boredem.
Yip just think about what I said. Hey I could be a Fortune teller!
Anyway, for all you men, I can assure you your wife is still nagging you .
My advice? Is to agree with her cause the chances of you winning the fight is 100 to 1
(And sorry about the lie. It isn't the most important blog ever.)

We've Got The Skill They Use

"Can you please wrap this?"
Ok, so Christmas (YAY!) is coming up and ofcourse their will be lots of gift wrapping.
But how many boys ask someone else to do it for them.
Come on, bet thousands of you do it.
For boys it seems like another of your long lists of punishments.
But in a girls mind it's just another thing to do apart from torchering brothers or telling husbands they should spend more time with you.

But if by that 1% boys do it, you can always tell which one they took "so much time" On to wrap it. How? Because it's the only one that looks like a meteoroid made out of paper.

Girls are just born knowing how to do it (and like I said on my previous blog)
Boys are born to spit while making gun noises then pretending to die and fall hilariously to the ground.
So have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
P.s. Boys don't scare of Santa by making a meteoroid.

Stop Hurting My Brain! 17#

Huh, ok. Since my mind is calmer than before. I'm happy enough to do the BRAIN-HURTING BUSINESS. Last weeks lucky winner was.... Atarah (full support for the boks!)
And there's this guy who tries every week for the answers (unfortunately getting none right)
So since im not over Summerland, I'm feeling sorry for everyone. Lets have a hand for... Michael!

Previous weeks ants, I mean, answers:
Easy: What can run but never walk,Thought is not far behind me. What am I? Nose
Hard: when can you add 2 to 11 and get 1 as an answer? Add 11pm and 2 hours = 1am

And this weeks rino's... Riddles:
Easy: round as a button, deep as a well. If you want me to talk, you must first pull my tail.

Hard: They can trickle down, they can tickle too.
Or make You sneeze, or comfort you.
They're rustling sound, you've rarely heard.
Unless your a pillow or a bird! What are they?

Thank you for your time, have a safe holiday, see you next week!
Oh does anybody know Supernatural Gurus phone number?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Heads up!

"Bam!Bam! Bam!". Why are boys always born, liking those gun noises?
I mean, they pretend to get shot then fall over for nothing! But I guess it can be a funny sight...
But who am I kidding, I like to play with guns. Let's get 1 thing straight first, it's that I don't make silly noises with my mouth, and that I don't fall over on the ground for nothing.
But I do like to play with nerf guns, these are some of the guns, and all in all we used 8-10 guns.
Today me Sean and some friends had a NERF WAR!
We got couches and made bases were we shoot our targets from.
And we got the matresses and made another base. The third and last base was in th kitchen and chair were put out to stop invaders.
Bullets were flying all over the place!
Now I know it's pretty boyish, but it's not like I have a sister. Sean is not the person who would play things like barbie dolls (not that I have any).
This game really took the depression away from me. You know, about never seeing my friends again. :(
"Heads up!" Oops, Darn! I'm out!
Thanks! After all I've done for you! Kidding... No really.

A new record!

From all the book of records, this has got to go into 1 of them.
This is gonna be my shortest blog posts yet.
So just here to tell you that the reminder board is now going to include movies. So look out for them!
Oh, and umm.... Don't miss out on reading the NERF WAR later!

Friday, December 17, 2010

SuperNatural Guru! Here to save man kind!

SuperNatural Guru was so sad Summerland Primary 2010 is over!
(Read more below)
SuperNatural Guru really feels for all the year sixes.
That happened to SuperNatural guru 537 years ago. So, so sad.
So because Supernatural Guru feels sorry for you, here are some uplifting qoutes.

"Friendship is a knot tied by angels' hands"
"You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place, like you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you'll never be this way again."

Sometimes the time to say good-bye hurts. Actually it hurts alot.
But life goes on and we have to learn how to move on. But it doesn't mean forgetting all those memorable moments you've had.

Start Of A New Adventure

"What is a pencil? Can you fly In it?"
That is the sound of me when I was six years old starting in Summerland with Miss Doreen.
I played, ate and asked silly questions.
One thing I didn't do is think about the day I would leave Summerland.
Yet now, it's happening. I just can't believe it... Today Miss Davies told us to sit in a circle. We had to all say something to the whole class. When it was my turn I burst into tears and told them "When I came into this class I was really shy and all.. So not anymore.
I loved doing the flashmobs with all of you and loved all the times I laughed with you."
That made me cry even more!
I know for some of my friends I'll never see them again, and for others I will.
I'll never forget any of you.
I want to thank Room 17 for giving me one of the greatest year.
Lots of friends, secrets, mysteries, fun and umm... Popsicles!
Thank you again.

And like Miss Davies said,
"It's only the start of a new adventure."

Who do you favour?

Oh, sorry but I'm just yaying about girls winning the vote.
Last week vote was 'Who's got the brains?'
Girls or boys?
And 54% voted for girls! Yayyyyyyy!
Oh, don't cry boys it's just a game....
You want your mummy don't you...
Or your favourite Teddy bear?

Ok, so congratulations to the girls (Girl Power!)
And tough luck for boys....
But enough feelig sorry for boys and get on with this weeks.

Who do you favor?

Edward of Twilight or...
Jacob of Twilight?
Hmm.... Hard isn't t?
Vote over there --->

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stop Hurting My Brain!16#

Yeah by now you should know why I'm crying.
I repeated it over 100 times!
The only excuse to forget is if you between the ages 134-178
So for those people
1. I can't believe your alive
2. Do people really visit you
3. It's because I'm leaving Summerland!

Huh, I know your getting tired of hearing it but, it's the real deal and it'll be going on for a week. Ok, maybe more?

Anyway, the winner for last week was...
Atarah! I have so say there were. Some pretty weird guesses made by some people...
Here are last weeks answers and this time I'm gonna write the whole riddle, you happy Sean?
(He says he'll sue me if I write his name on my blog!)
Easy:What goes up and down without moving? Stairs Ofcourse!
Hard:What has four eyes yet cannot see? Mississippi!

And here sniff... And this wee sniff.. Weeks riddles:
Easy: I can run but not walk. Thought is not far behind me. What am I?
Hard: When can you add 2 to 11 and get 1 as an answer?

Sniff... See ya...
And does anybody know SuperNatural Gurus phone number or email?


Drip... Drip.....
That is the sound of water falling from the sky.
That is the sound of children wet and cold.
That is the sound of us swearing. Kidding!
So the day before today. In other words, yesterday.
If was extremely hot. Repeat EXTREMELY hot! So Miss Davies told us to bring a change of clothes so we can have a water fight to cool us off.
Unfortunatly today was cold. But eh, it's not like we're gonna die.
So we made our way outside and we tried to stay warm.
(It was still raining when we went outside)
But after a couple of water activities, I never wanted too leave!
Today was a great way to spend our second to last say in Summerland.
But what do you expect if you've got a teacher like mine.
Well actually if you have her... I'd be scared!
Opps! My turn ! Got to go...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It might actually come true!

"What if..."
Like every other school day me and Leija were walking home from school in the Blazing hot sun.
Mouth open, Tongue out, and feet dragging along.

"What if the was like a big waterfall that starts from Summerland Primary, you go in it and it'll magically lead you to your house?" I blurted out .
"Or a mini Go kart that had a swimming pool on the bottom?"
"How about we're walking on the red carpet and everytime a camera flashes a wind blows on your face?"
See me and Leija were extremely hot, "Uggh get out of our way!" said Leija to a snail as she pushed it away with her foot. OK back to dreaming...

"Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a maze made entirely of ice-cream!"
"Of course a slide with fizzy drinks as water is wayyy better! Don't you agree!"

So it kept going on and on...until we had reached our houses.
We hadn't even noticed how far we had walked!
I love dreaming/wishing ... who knows? It might actually come true!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Run from Reports!

"Oh,no." I whispered to my friends as we were receiving report cards.
I mean I knew mine wasn't going to be terrible of anything but the thrill of it makes you excited!
Doesn't it ?
Everyone, was happy with their results.
Some were even jumping for joy!
Me, well I was one of them. :~)
It was pretty funny though, I had fours on my report card and Sean (brother) was saying how bad it was. What he didn't know is that four is actually the best but in his school one is the best. When we would hate to see it on ours.

So this is yet another of the many signs we are leaving Summerland. ={
Huh, yeah...
But anyway, I'll conclude this post by saying,
I'm so proud of my report and Thank-You Miss Davies!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Us or them?

 The winner is.....
Woah! Ok let's wait until you catch up with the information.
From the votes put in, Selena Gomez is 76% more loved than Demi Lavato.

Ok, so this question is something you have to vote for!
Who's got the brains?

Boys- sure. Sure they are
Girls- whooooooo! Yeah!

Ok, sorry but it's not very smart so say something sarcastic about yourself.
Ok so whoever put the most votes into this will win.
C'mon girls we can put the majority of votes on!
And boys, why waste you time voting when you can play PSP?
So the challenge is on!
Prove each other who's better!!

Lightbulb flashed into my head!

Ok, I have a confession to make.
On my last blog, it said school ended on Wednesday. I got my information wrong and it actually ends on
Friday. My apologies, and that blog post has been removed A.K.A deleted.

So I'm here now to tell you about the new board thingy (I say that when I have no clue of its name).
It's going to be put up on your right . Its a reminder Board on events coming up.
Some of the reminders might be for certain people so just be careful.

Pretty please with a cherry on the top keep this idea original by not copying it.
I KNOW not think, your smart.
And Smart = Lots of Idea's.
Hope this is useful for you!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

SuperNatural Guru! Here to save man kind!

Welcome Ladies and Gentalmen!
First up on the stage today is SuperNatural Guru!

Ah, it's nice to be back. I haven't been up here for 137 years!
But let's stop my chit-chat and let's move on to qoutes.

"The greatest gift, is not found in a store nor under a tree.
But in the hearts of true friends."
"Everything is ok in the end, if it's not ok, it's not the end.

Lets have a round off applause for SuperNatural Guru!...
Next up people...... Altiyan Child!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Stop Hurting My Brain! 15#

Ok, I know that it didn't wake you up in any way because well it was silent.
But if you read the last 2 lines, it probably means your awake.
Previous weeks answers were:
Easy: They both weigh a ton so their the same
Hard: It's shadow

Sorry, it's become a habit.
But forget about the habit and start focusing on the new riddles.

Easy: What goes up and down without moving?
Hard: What has four eyes, yet cannot see?

Hope these were enough to open those brain cells of yours.
See you next week!

Sand here, there, EVERYWHERE!

Remember at 7:23 last night when I pinkie promised you that I would write a post about my trip well,
the whole of Summerland's trip to the beach?
If you did, hooray! and here it is now.
If you didn't, read it now! Or... just continue with this one .

So I wake up at 7:50am, I get dressed and I pack my things for the beach.
(remember when I told you the year 6's are leaving and we're trying to have a much fun as we can?)
The teachers had taken their time to plan this day for us and it had finally come.
We put our togs underneath and then hopped onto the bus."The wheels on the bus..."
There we sang to our hearts content.
"Everyone get out of the bus and line up outside!"
We finally reached our destination.
For 15 mins we had morning tea then finally we were allowed to swim. Me and my friends put 1 foot in the water, yelled and said it was to cold. But what's a beach if you can't swim?
So we dived in and stayed there till our bodies got used to the coldness.
We went out and in about several times and when we were on the sand, we just layer back on our beach towels and when that got boring i got burried up till my head.
We ate our lunch, played, got ready to go back and we also got free hot dogs.
Overall this is a trip I'll remember for Ever and ever! ( I think)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Which side are YOU on?

Guess what! We had a trip with the whole school to a beach called Pt Chevalier!
Tell you every little piece of it tomorrow. Pinky Promise.
So anyway, getting back on the right track...
Last week I put up a post on what is better,
Cats- are not very wise that's why they probably need 9 live
Dogs- pee on your clean spotless carpet
From the votes that were put in, it is 100% that dogs are more liked.

This week the question is...
Which would you like as a bestie?

Selina Gomez or...
Demi Lavato

I love them both, which means there is nothing bad to say about them. =)
So by 1 click of our finger, you can prove YOUR right!
( Poll to vote on is --------------------->)

This goes to...

Before we begin yet another of my many stories, I must apologize.
Because, I haven't written in so long! Ok, maybe just 1 day.
But what can I say? I'm a blog-a-holic!

So, from all the other blogs you may of read about Summerlands Celebration of excellence.
But that's another story, let's move to mine.
'Ringgggggggg!!!' The school bell went. As soon it went I rushed off home.
I had about 2 hours, so I ate a couple of pizza's then had a nice bath.
It was finally time to go. We headed for St Dominics where the prize giving was going to be held. There were lots of traffic as we maneuvered our way in.
Luckiy, after sometime we were able to find a parking.
The whole school sat on the courts waiting for the call to come in side.
"Everyone! Come inside!" Opps, thats the call!
For each class, 5 certificates were given out.
Creative thinking
Personal achievement
Summerland spirit
We sang songs and speeches were said.
Finally it was trophy time. People were called up and given trophies for being number 1 for a certain subject. Everyone who got one deserved it and well done to them.

Since I was lucky enough to get a certificate, we went to the movies and watched
'The chronicles of narnia: The voyage of the dawn treader 3-D'
I loved it! x 100
We went back Home tired and lazy.
Next day, off to the beach!
(See I had no time to blog)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A pillow was your bed...

"Oh my! How fast your growing!
One minute a pillow was your bed and a computer was you 54 inch, flat screen tv!"
Don't parents always bug you about this?..
Then they tell you to give them a hug before you grow too old that they can't lift you up and you move into a flat with someone.
I mean I HEART getting attention,
But if it means every second of the day...
But then there are the people who love it.
Some children end up turning 35+ and yet they still live with their parents.
That must be embarrassing. (Mama's boy)
So how do we get out of this misery?
Ok, now I know you expect an answer, just like every other blog
Gives you an answer.
In this case, there isn't one.
Sorry, but answers don't just magically fly to me...
So, do your parents do this?
Are you tired of It?
I don't know, you tell me.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

SuperNatural Guru! Here to save man kind!

Wouldn't you LOVE to have a nice vacation in Hawaii?!!
SuperNautual Guru wishes he could.
But SuperNatural Guru is bank-rapt.
SuperNatural Guru owes his cat $13.45
That's his life savings!

Getting off me and my $$$, and moving on to helping your life.
Since 2010 is ending, most of you kids are leaving your friends, here are some qoute SuperNatural Guru think are useful for you:

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
If I had 1 gift that I could give you, my friend, it would be the ability to see you as others
See you, because only then would You know how extremely special you are.

Those words go to every friend SuperNatural Guru ever made.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dont you adore them? Or is it the other way around?

I always new this day would come, but who knew it was today.
I'm out of idea's. Completely out.
A burglar came in through a window last night,
And only came in to steal my ideas.
It's called, brain-napped.
In other words blog block.

But wait.. ah.. Mhmmm
Got it!
Ok, so if you look towards your right --> -->
There will be a poll. You have to decide if cats or dogs are better.
I mean dogs rip up all your furniture.
And the saying cats have 9 lives probably came by cause if they don't they are gonna die pretty quick, the sickness? Dumbness.
What do you think?
You can prove people wrong by just a click of a button.
So unless your thumbs broken, don't see why you shouldnt.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Stop Hurting My Brain! 14#

Right! On with the riddles, but like usual the winners.
Can we please have have a drumroll for...
First place winner Atarah!
And second place Michael!
I thought I had finally jumbled all your brain but these two proved me wrong.
Anyway getting on with the answers:
Easy: The letter 'G'
Hard: A stamp

You ready for the brain torchering questions?
Well if you arn't that's to bad.
Easy: What is heavier, a ton of feathers or a ton of rocks?
Hard: u am part of a bird that flys in the sky,
I can swim in the ocean and remain dry. What am I?

You think your enough for these questions?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

"Christmas Shopping"

How do these people even exist?
I was lying on the couch today, mouth open, tounge sticking out, legs hanging in the side.
Ok, maybe that was exaggerating, but your smart you get the point.
So I see my mum reading the newspaper (not so surprising, adults do boring stuff).
But what did I have to lose? My eyes scanned the page for something interesting, it wasn't hard because on the front was a humongus picture (might as well read it).

It was about some selfish burglars stealing from innocent schools.
What the newspapers like to call, their Christmas 'shopping'.
It's pretty sick how these burglars stole electronics from a various amount of schools.
In Holy-Cross school $10,000 worth of equipment was stolen.
That means $10,000 worth of childrens education.
The police were notified about this and they brought their dogs with them.
Unluckily, it didn't help.
It said on the paper that it was 1 month ago, and yet thy are still not caught.
I was deveastated. But like everybody we trust the police to solve this sick crime.
Who knows? It could be you?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ahhhhhhh..! Whoooosh!

Whoosh....! Now that was the sound of a hose being splashed in your face.
Hang on, what? Oh yeah, as you know being a year six means leaving Summerland (boo-hoo).
So Miss Davies planned a fun water day for us.
For the last 2 weeks we have been trying to have as much fun as we can, while we can.
And so far, so good.
Anyway getting back to my story.
We got split into groups and did three different activities all including water.
That whole time we got sprayed with hoses.
As you can imagine we were soaked!
From head to toe, hair to toenails.
Yip, we stood there freezing and when we were getting changed in the bathroom,
all our clothes stuck to us like leeches.
But overall, I didn't mind the shirt-sticking water soaking stuff.
The only thing I cared about was that everyone had a GREAT time.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stop Hurting My Brain! 13#

Don't you just hate being the youngest?
Well no matter what you say, feel or think, I say I hate it.
The oldest always bosses you around and anger builds up inside of you.
But 1 thing I always say is:
Never go to bed angry.
Stay awake and plot your revenge.
You know I'm a old lady, so before I forget the winner for last week is... Michael!

Ok, lets stop slacking and get a move on with the cow-munching riddles:
Easy: What always ends everything?
Hard: What goes around the world, and yet stays in one corner?

Now you know how I told you I was an old lady, well I'm pretty sure I forgot something.
What was it? Umm.. Right last weeks answers.
But how about we miss it just for this time?

Remember doesn't matter if your second.
If you answer your mentioned.
Ok see ya next week and don't forget to plot your revenge tonight!
Blog-a-holic says see ya!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sniff..Graduation.. Why!

And... Huh! I'm am back from the year six leavers dinner.
It's just finished and what's the first thing I do? Update my blog.
I guess you could say I'm a BLOG-A-HOlIC, but I won't let that get to me.

There's only 1 word to describe this dinner, AWESOME!
We went to a all-you-can eat buffet (Gengis).
They had different choices of food from sushie to pancakes.
We also got to get raw meat and a couple of men would cook it infront of out very eyes.
There was lots of time to sit, chat, relax and take photos with your friends.
Oh, and good thing there were no parents telling you off for not eating your veggies!

The time passed by and before we knew it, we were heading upstairs in to room where Mr.Sumich and all the other teachers presented our graduation certificate.
Our parents were all already there seated with all there cameras flashing, making us feel like super stars and paparazzi.

Overall I think this was a great time to spend with all the year 6's.
Hope you year 5's have as much fun next year than we did today.