Tuesday, November 16, 2010

SuperNatural Guru! Here to save man kind!

Long time no see!
Surely, you remember me? The SuperNatural Guru!
Yeah, sure I understand. =(
But just to refreashen your memories every week their will be a new saying.
What if you have any problems? I try and help solve them.
Just write them in the comments below and I will answer them.

Now getting back to the saying:

Move on. It's just a chapter in the past.
But don't close the book. Just turn the page.
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry.
Show life you have a thousand reasons to smile.

And for 2 certain people this is a special message:
"Don't suffer in silence.
Tell someone
Help yourself.
Make a difference…"

"You just have to live you life
Not caring what they think.
And shake off the drama.
Prove to them you are better
Than what they think you are. "

True friends don't talk behind your back.
The ones who do aren't really friends.


7teen Crew said...

People keep pressuring me!


7teen Crew said...

People call me weird. I don't like it.

7teen Crew said...

Is there a certain thing that people pressure you about?

7teen Crew said...

About not doing things right and sport!

7teen Crew said...

No matter what anyone says,
You know that in yourself you are not anything that people call you.

There comes a time in life
When you have to let go of
Al the pointless drama
&the people who create it
& surround yourself with
People who make
You laugh so hard
That you forget the bad
& focus solely on the good
After all,
Life is to short
To be anything but happy.

7teen Crew said...

I walk around and they look at me like I have done something wrong!

7teen Crew said...

Ofcourse you haven't done anything wrong.
I know it's feels funny when people stare.
It's also rude. But no matter what anyone does you know inside that you haven't done anything.

Just live your life not caring what they think, cause remember…

"Life goes on".

7teen Crew said...

When people pressure you, it's more likely they care about you and they are trying to help you improve.
If it's bugging you, or if your affected by it, just tell them and hopefully they will understand.

" Life is too short to be anything but happy".