Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stop Hurting My Brain! 12#

I'm back! Did you miss me? C'mon at least get your butt of the couch and give me a hug?
No? :(
I brought some cookies along with me...
And now you get off the couch...
Ok so here's a cookie for you to munch on as you listen to the story:

A long time ago in November 24th 2010 a young lad called
Aashay won the key to having his name put up on a marvelous blog all because he answered a couple of answers here they were:

Easy: the letter 'E'
Hard: his horse was named Friday

Now the whole town heard of this amazing prize so the mayor of
Notarealtown town decided they should have riddles every week on the weekly no-existing newspaper. So here they are:

Easy:A man born in March has his birthday in September how is it possible?
Hard:how can you jump from the top of a 10ft ladder onto a concrete floor without getting

The end.
Wait no! The real ending should be something like Ummmmmm...
Do you want to be like that lad and win the keys to...


7teen Crew said...

You put the ladder on the floor?
and I think the easy one is that he was born in a place called mach or is it september? I don't know.

Michael - The CHERUB guy ;)

7teen Crew said...

Thats great! Finally Aashay isn't the winner

7teen Crew said...

was the place he was born in March or September, I ask? haha.


7teen Crew said...

The town he was born in was march so the town was alled March. So that only leaves his name to be September.