Monday, November 1, 2010

Stop Hurting My Brain! 2#

Welcome back to Stop Hurting My Brain!
Last weeks answers were...
Easy: what is as big as you are and yet does not weigh anything? Your Shadow!

Hard: The person who makes it, sells it.
The person who buys it has no need for it.
The person using it, does not know he or she is using it. What am I?
A Coffin!

This weeks brain-hurting  mind-twisting questions!
Easy: If there as three cups and you take one away how many do you have?
Hard: 2 sons and 2 fathers go fishing.
Each catches a fish, so why did they only bring home 3 fishes?

Good luck!
Remember there's more to it than meets the eye!


7teen Crew said...

I have no idea about the first one but I know the hard one. They brought back three fish back because 1 of the sons is the son of the the father and the father is the son of the his father.

Aashay Living Hard & Loving Life

7teen Crew said...

That's right Aashay, actually a bit confusing but I understand what you mean.

7teen Crew said...

The Easy question is one because theres 3 cups but YOU TAKE ONE away then it asks how many do YOU have.


Michael - The CHERUB Guy

7teen Crew said...

Yeah pretty much. Usually people would say 2 though. Great thinking :)