Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tempting isn't it?

Have you met one of those sneaky books which makes you feel as if you NEED to pick it up.
You would just die if you didn't? Why? How? It's because the writers tell you not to pick it up, it's to DANGEROUS or you'll pee your pants! Some would say,
which obviously tempts you to pick it up even more. You can try to resist it but your mind won't be on peace until it's in your hands. I met one of those books recently and turned out pretty interesting. Here's a description on it.

First things first though The Name Of This Book Is...Secret. No really, that's the name of the book: The Name Of This Book Is Secret. Confusing? I understand.
Then we have the 2 main characters:Cass, is a survivalist. Her motto:Be prepared. She isn't a average 11 year old girl, there's lots more to her than what you assume.
Then we have Max-Ernest a boy who trys to be a comedian but never succeeds. Like Cass theres

more to him than meets the eye.

The 2 of them discover a box filled with smelly but interesting vials of which is called-The Symphony Of Smells. Leaving them with a mission including a dead magicians body and the hunt for immortality. This book is filled with puzzles, riddles and anagrams.

I would Clearly recommend this book for people who enjoys mysterys.

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