Tuesday, October 5, 2010

One Bite

"Yum!" I think to myself as I bite into a  Mcdonald Cheese Burger. 
I then wish I could eat it for the rest of my life.  But not until, I found out the truth behind those
mouth -watering Cheese Burgers.
I would like to tell you it's healthy and good for your body so we can persuade parents to buy us some more, but that clearly would be lying and everyone knows it's bad to lie. 
You should only eat at Mcdonalds for a treat as it is high in fat, low in fibre and minerals, and contains lots of salt and sugar. 
If people continue to eat like this then they have a much greater chance of getting heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases. 
I've also learned that it contains chemical additives which according to the dictionary means:
something that becomes part of food or affects it as a result of packaging or processing, as debris or radiation which sometimes can give you ill-health. 

Now these are only 3 reasons about why you should only eat it rarely and for your own heath purposes. 
From reading books, asking people and searching up on the internet there is so much more (true fact).
Not only does it affect YOU but the enviroment, animals and people who live in poor places.
What! your thinking..that dosen't make any sense! Dont believe me, do some researching.

Don't get me wrongm, I mean I LOVE it too.  But you shouldn't eat it very often for your own health just keep it as a treat ( I wonder why most delicious things are unhealthy). =)
Cant believe I'm saying this but I think everyone should start eating fruits and vegetables more often. 

1 comment:

SPS Superstars said...

Hi Shari,
I know what you're talking about - it's so hard not to eat the unhealthy stuff or say yes to, "Would you like to up size that?"
I'm sure your post will have your other readers thinking about it too - keep up the great posts.