Saturday, October 2, 2010

Memorable Moments

So we said our goodbyes and a few tears were shed. Then we got our 5hour flight to Vancover where we will carry on our 15 hour flight at midnight. We went down town as we had lots of time to spare,I have to say I'm so glad we did because I got my new iPod touch which I'm using to write this blog post (please read 'A Crying Wallet' which talk about my new iPod touch). We got into a taxi and they dropped us of at our house, by the way that was pretty expensive costing over a hundred dollars.
Thinking back I wouldn't change a second of what happened. I've experienced so many things in the last couple of days. No actually last couple of weeks. And seen things I've never seen before, learned things I never knew was possible and met people I never even knew existed. Only to realise now that because of those things I was able to have an extra ordinary and unforgettable trip. Seeing my relatives again was one of the greatest gifts for me because those are the memorable moments I will always treasure in my heart.

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