Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So Spoiled! Part 2#

"Come on wake up you need to get a shower...." My Mum said as she helped me to get up.
At 6:00 sharp we were at the airport ready for our 19 hour flight!  It was alright apart from a 1 year old baby just staring at me with her BIG brown eyes.

The plane landed, my uncle picked us up, met my cousins and auntie again, and we were off to America!
No, actually we we're staying one night in 'FallsView' a hotel close to Niagara Falls.
At night you could see the rainbow coloured lights shining in the water.
The following day we had a 10 hour road trip with stops along the way to reach Washington.

We saw the White House where on the top we spotted a snipper.
The Blair House where former presidents and state guests come to stay.
The Capitol a meeting place for extremely important people.
Arlington Memorial  where highly ranked and honored people are buried, 
and the museum 'Night in the Museum 2' was filmed.

2nd day there we headed for New Jersey. I was jumping and screaming inside as we took a train ride to New York City. First thing we spotted was the empire state building it was extremely large. But there was also the Madison Square Garden, Time Square and the Rockefeller Gardens which of course are also famous.

The sunshine spread over us that next morning as we woke up. We drove to a very large LEGO store and they had LEGO EVERYWHERE! We stayed there what seemed like hours (because of the boys).
That same day we went to Jersey Gardens Outlet. Everything was unbelievably cheap! We slept like babies that night. 21 September we head back to Canada.


Kiwi in North Carolina said...

Wow, it sounds like you are really busy traveling around the different countries. Glad to hear you are having fun. Thanks for the blog updates!

Miss Davies

Kiwi in North Carolina said...

Wow, it sounds like you are really busy traveling around the different countries. Glad to hear you are having fun. Thanks for the blog updates!

Miss Davies

SPS Superstars said...

Hi Shari,
So spoiled is right - what a fantastic holiday you are having! When I was at Niagara Falls I went up the hill on a fabulous cable car, what a fantastic view - did you get a chance to do that?

7teen Crew said...

No I wasn't. Everything was just so packed. With our time their we spent it as much as we could. But If I were given a second chance I wouldn't change a thing.