Tuesday, December 21, 2010

SuperNatural Guru! Here to save man-kind

"Awe...I must imagine how bored everyone is now that it's the school holidays."
Lucky for SuperNatural Guru he's all the way here in Hawai!
But unluckily SuperNatural Guru still has to put up with you.... 

Lets get these quotes over and done with so I can enjoy my sun-bathing.
(Funny quotes on Boredom)

             Perhaps the world's second worst crime is boredom. The first is being a bore.

           Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice and need

So there are your quotes, need advice? Contact me in the comments below.
Stay safe, don't be a bore, and see you next week!

If I decide to comeback from this relaxing place.


7teen Crew said...

Your name guru means a teacher who teaches things about hinduism... so are you really teaching us about hinduism?

7teen Crew said...

No, but people dont know what it means. It suits SuperNatural so yeah.
Now, can I please enjoy my holiday?

7teen Crew said...

They should know and it isn't a very pleasing name...maybe oracle sounds better... after all an oracle is someone who solves Problems!

7teen Crew said...

Ok, umm... who is this.
And honesly, If you've got anything against it, well it's your problem.
Sorry but its gonna stay that way.