Wouldn't you LOVE to have a nice vacation in Hawaii?!!
SuperNautual Guru wishes he could.
But SuperNatural Guru is bank-rapt.
SuperNatural Guru owes his cat $13.45
That's his life savings!
Getting off me and my $$$, and moving on to helping your life.
Since 2010 is ending, most of you kids are leaving your friends, here are some qoute SuperNatural Guru think are useful for you:
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
If I had 1 gift that I could give you, my friend, it would be the ability to see you as others
See you, because only then would You know how extremely special you are.
Those words go to every friend SuperNatural Guru ever made.
I'm sure it's supposed to be "SuperNatural Guru Wishes SHE could" instead of He.
Don't tell SuperNatural Guru what gender he/she is.
SuperNatural Guru knows if he's a boy or not.
A girl writes for SuperNatural Guru.
SuperNatural guru is clearly a boy.
So is your problem fixed? :)
Noy sure this was a problem?
Well, isn't it obvious.
Anyway who is this
Isn;t it obvious? ok its not obvious so ITs, read my name at the top.
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