Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Exhausted, revived & on the Go! 3#

(Picture shown above is where we stayed)
"Let's go to bed..." we dropped everything on the floor and dropped ourselves on the bed.
So for the next couple of days it would be just going easy, no plans just whatever comes.
First morning in Canada was boiling hot so after my cousin had finished school ( 1 of them stayed), we all went out to get nice refreshing slushies .  Later that day we were treated for a swim (also great on a sunny day).
 Wednesday we walked around the mall for a bit and later had dinner at a Chinese restaraunt, found out you HAD to give a tip...

Today we're all in a rush to pack our bags for another road trip tomorrow.  Funny that we all left it till the last minuite.

Thursday comes and we're on that 3 hour road trip heading for the Blue Mountains which is a nice resort.
When we reached our destination, we signed into a hotel called Westin Trillium House.  We went into our room which had 4 beds, 2 bathrooms, 1 living room, 1 deck and a kitchen which was supplied with everything you need.  After that we walked around for a bit in the shops then later had a swim in the pool and relaxed in the 2 spa's.  That night, we just lied comfortably on the bed while watching a movie and eating warm nacho's.

Next morning here we woke up to the mouth-watering smell of bacon, sausages and pancake all for breakfast.  When we were done, we went down to the lake to try out the paddle boats then my Mum decided she'd just go back to the hotel.
So, all the kids went for a walk and went to all the shops adults wont want to visit.  First we went to the candy store and bought bags of lollies and next was the chocolate shop and the toy store but instead we used our money on buying ice-creams.  Tonight is sit back eating popcorn while playing a variety of card games.  I'm pretty sure I've gained a bit of weight here too.
Now we are going back to my cousins house and today we are packing our bags for our 20 hour flight for home tomorrow.  Saying bye will be a hard and emotional challenge for all of us.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So Spoiled! Part 2#

"Come on wake up you need to get a shower...." My Mum said as she helped me to get up.
At 6:00 sharp we were at the airport ready for our 19 hour flight!  It was alright apart from a 1 year old baby just staring at me with her BIG brown eyes.

The plane landed, my uncle picked us up, met my cousins and auntie again, and we were off to America!
No, actually we we're staying one night in 'FallsView' a hotel close to Niagara Falls.
At night you could see the rainbow coloured lights shining in the water.
The following day we had a 10 hour road trip with stops along the way to reach Washington.

We saw the White House where on the top we spotted a snipper.
The Blair House where former presidents and state guests come to stay.
The Capitol a meeting place for extremely important people.
Arlington Memorial  where highly ranked and honored people are buried, 
and the museum 'Night in the Museum 2' was filmed.

2nd day there we headed for New Jersey. I was jumping and screaming inside as we took a train ride to New York City. First thing we spotted was the empire state building it was extremely large. But there was also the Madison Square Garden, Time Square and the Rockefeller Gardens which of course are also famous.

The sunshine spread over us that next morning as we woke up. We drove to a very large LEGO store and they had LEGO EVERYWHERE! We stayed there what seemed like hours (because of the boys).
That same day we went to Jersey Gardens Outlet. Everything was unbelievably cheap! We slept like babies that night. 21 September we head back to Canada.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Superb Sydney Part 1#

(What is here now was written in a book before being typed up on a blog)

'Rinnnnnnggggg !!!' My alarm goes off.  Before I know it, I'm jumping out of bed.  I end up here on the computer at exactly 12:19am. 
Wait a minuite...... why am I up so early?  Lets rewind a bit.  About 3 weeks ago my Mum informed me that we were going to have a vacation and at the same time visit our cousins.  So we've been trying to get all organised and ready for the trip (which at times were fustrating).  Where are we going?
Well, originally we were just going to Canada, but then it turned to Canada, Australia and America.
I felt extremely excited like someone who had just won the lottery.

We had to wait long hours in the plane and airport so imagine how boring that would be.
In the end it was worth it as we stayed in a 4 star hotel called 4 Points and that same night I met second cousins I never even knew existed.  Throughout the 2 days spent in Australia  we went to see 
'Sydney Wild Life World' which is like a large museum of animals.
The Sydney Opera House as well as the Sydney Harbour bridge.  Of course about a hundred photo's were taken.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Annie All Alone...

"It would be cool if..."
So there we we're, the Anawhata pod, sitting in a assembly singing a song when I hear the teachers saying it would be cool to see a musical. Next thing we know, we're visiting a production about a classical movie called Annie.

It was an early Monday morning as we left on the bus and headed for Henderson Intermediate.
The production was entertaining and at the same time facinating. They had marvelous props some of which seemed realistic, and others actually were. I was amazed at the performance the actors did for us, because those children are only 1 or 2 years apart from us so that means us in a couple of years.

I favoured the girl who was playing as Miss Hannigan as she played her role brilliantly and made the crowd continuously break into a fit of laughters and leave kids with sore stomachs.
But like most, my highest admired character was the adorable little orphan, Annie.

Everyone enjoyed the their time there, as well as myself. In the end actors, actresses and backstage people were given a large applause for their appreciated work put in the show. Might I add, if you'd looked closely enough you could just spot out a few cheeks turning bright pink.

Pig Maniac!

"I want pi..." Oh sorry, let me start again.
Hi earthlings! In class my teacher Miss Davies is midway of reading us a book called 'Blart'.
Which ended up as Room 17 writing a description on it. Here's mine, hope you find it Appealing.

"I want pigs! Pigs! And even more pigs!" Now just from this sentence you can already tell that all Blart wants in life are pigs. But as I have no choice I am left only to write about him as he is the the 'Hero' of the book Blart, the only one who can defeat Zoltab, save man kind, and the main character of my description.

Blart has hair messy like a bush and sleepy dark blue eyes. He has a bent crooked nose and a mouth curved like a upside down rainbow but not as colourful. Not much of the decent type Blart is, and his grandfathers broke so he's stuck with rags as clothes.

He is a brainless, filthy and arrogant boy who you wont want anything in life to do with him (poor Capablanca and Beowolf)who is stuck with him and his dirty habits.
Blart's behaviour is like a small child and yes, He's that dumb you would think he had just been born yesterday.

I remember when Blart ended up surrounded by fierce blood-thirsty sharks and the last time I checked Sharks can easily bite through thin pieces of rags. If you were there you would probably hear ear peircing screams coming from Blart which would finally come to a crescendo.

Blart, the boy who was forcibly taken to save the world. Do you think he's enough for the challenge ahead of him and saving man kind?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Welcome to Life @ 11!

Hi guys! To introduce myself, my name is Shari and welcome to my blog!
Things I like are swimming, art and playing soccer with friends for fun.
On my spare time I like cooking, spending time with family and hanging out with friends.
But I have to say one thing I truly and absolutely LOVE is traveling!
Which reminds me... I think one special trip is coming up...

What is My blog all about? Well, thanks to my teacher Miss Davies, me and my classmates get to have our very own blog, so don't forget to check them out as well. This is the place where I blog about me, my learning and about my everyday life, and if you like it you can comment on it which is very much appreciated.

Well, I hope you have fun!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Heart-breaking story of a labrador

I was devastated and heart-broken when I heard the news about a 2 month old Labrador was abused and treated with cruelty.

It was a Saturday night when a local in Papakura saw boys at the age of 12 and 13 kicking a innocent Labrador.
That's not it while 1 of these heartless boys held the dog on it's front legs the other just continuously kicked it in the stomach.

As we all know and understand, a dog is spelt 'D-O-G' not
'B-A-S-K-E-T-B-A-L-L' because that's obviously what these boys thought the poor dog was as they repeatally tried to use it as one and shoot it in a basketball hoop.
Lucky for the labrador the kind local called the SPCA in,and they did the most of what they could possibly do to help.

I can't imagine how much the dog suffered and just the thought of this cruelty makes me want to cry.

It was said on the news that because the boys are young it's not likely that they will fall in much trouble and face charges.
But if you ask me I think they should be taught a very good lesson on animal cruelty.