Sunday, November 14, 2010

Stop Hurting My Brain! 6#

Don't you just LOVE riddles?
Cause I HEART them!
Would you marry one?
Yeah, I wouldn't either.
So Congrats to Aashay and Michael For solving the previous weeks riddles.
For the second time you win... ( Drumroll)... Absolutely nothing!
Oh, you want to hear last weeks riddles, here they are:

Easy: What is the longest sentence in life?
Go to prison for life.

What goes up but never comes down?
Your age.

And before I forget here's this weeks:

Easy:What object has keys but opens no lock,
Space but no room,
And you can enter but not go in.

Hard:With no wings I fly. With no eyes I see.
With no arms I climb. More frightening than any beast, stronger than any foe.
I am cunning, ruthless and tall;in the end I rule all. What am I?

Hope these are good challenges for you.
Good luck, stay safe and always stay tuned!


7teen Crew said...

is the hard one your imagination?


7teen Crew said...

You searched it up didn't you Michael like you did before. :)

7teen Crew said...

noooooooooooooo i only searched the #2 not anymore cause u said not to. its obvious when it says it has no EYES.

7teen Crew said...

is easy one your brain? This is a guess if I get it wrong don't say I'm far off from the answer lol

Michael - The blablabla

7teen Crew said...

Michael your far from the answer funny how you can get the hard and yet the easy one is to hard for you. :)

7teen Crew said...

Yeah I always find the easy one hard.

7teen Crew said...

It's a keyboard Shari for the easy one!

Nicholas out!

7teen Crew said...

That's right Nicholas. Great job =)

7teen Crew said...

Hey Shari The easy one is a computer Keyboard

The person who told you this riddle

7teen Crew said...

And who is that?