Monday, January 24, 2011

Would you rather...

Okie dokie mmmmmmmmm... *licking lips*
hokey pokey..... Opps. There's me again getting of the topic.
Anyways according to votes put in, 86% of people would rather eat a spoonful of snot instead of drink a cup of spit.
Disgusting! Ok so this weeks one will be..

Would you rather...
Smell like crap 257 hours
Have pimples take over your face

Again disgusting!!
But hey I'm not answering them. You are!
Oh, and if you have any "would you rathers"
Please.. *on knees begging*
Tell me!!!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

It's snot or spit

Ok I admit!! I haven't blogged for a week.
But I was busy doing umm... 'stuff'.

Anyway that 'stuff' is done and we now move on the the voting business thingy-ma-bobby.
Last weeks voting ended up as 72% more people would rather marry someone attractive and poor over ugly and rich.

This weeks will make you spew in you dreams and pee on your mummys lap.
Would you rather...
Drink a cup of spit
Eat a spoonful of snot

*shiver* *shiver*
anyway, it's not a burden left for me to answer, but for yourself.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Funny Pics

Hey! Well I just thought I would share these funny pics with u. Want more next week? Just ask.

Doing my "stuff"

Let's see here umm.... I have absoloutley no idea how to start this blog so.... Ok I lost now.
I also have nothing to blog about, so let me just tell you a bit about my day.

I started the day, by waking up with Sean stepping on my hair.
Then for 40mins? I did my stuff (nothing that concerns you)
Drove to the mall did more "stuff" then ate at KFC moving tables 3 times.
Tiredly went back home to do for the third time "stuff"
Feeling guilty about eating junk food, we went to have a 1 hour walk at the beach
And while there found a live 15cm squid.
Soon died, birds had it for their dinner and quietly said my prayers.
Back home, watched a movie and now doing "stuff".

That's how most of my days go. What happened with yours??

Saturday, January 8, 2011

You would marry...

"Ouch!" oh oops.just turned my head to fast and now it hurts terribly.
Anyway, according to the votes put in 77%
of people like Grenade-Bruno Mars rather than The time-Black Eyed Peas
So now let me think.... What xan be the argument today???

Ok so umm...
Would you marry someone...

Ugly and rich? Or..
Attractive and poor?

That's a tough one!!
So who would you pick?

Friday, January 7, 2011

SuperNatural Guru! Here to save man kind!

Oh. My. Golllllly Gosh!
Ok, I have not blogged for 2 days!
Now for me not to do that, it would have to be an emergency.
So now that you expect me to tell you that emergency, sadly there wasn't really one.
Ok so somehow everytime I write a blog I get off the topic, not this time.
This time.. I'm READY! Wait... Now I'm READY!
Dum.. Dum....Dum!

Here are this weeks brain-tingling stomach-twisting qoutes:

"When I hear somebody sigh 'huh, life is hard'
I'm tempted to say, 'compared to what?"

"let go of the past and go for the future.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined"

So remember, supernatural
Guru will always be there if you've got a problem.
Oh no! My wides coming! GTG

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A lesson learnt!

There we were. Sitting on the table and munching out lunch.
Suddenly out of well... Nowhere, the topic of Canada came up.
So we started talking about my cousin Seeing that he lived there.

"Remember the time when we were picking up...... And ......(name will not be added) Was skating on a skateboard until and old lady came up and told him of? Everyone teased him and said he got poned by an old Lady" Sean and I said.

"Why did the lady tell him of?" said my mum.
"Becase old ladies just like telling kids of"

And then we were like
"See a lesson learned everyday, mum, if you tell us off, that means your an old lady."
Isn't it a GREAT piece of advice??!
What do you think?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Stop hurting my brain! 20#

Get out of here! Oh, wait its just innocent little you waiting for the new riddles.
I thought you were... Nevermind it's none of your bees wax.
Last weeks adorable winners were... Atarah and Michael!!!
Remember, second or third is fine as long as you
Don't cheat!

*Yawn* I'm sleepy your sleepy, spongebobs sleepy. We're all sleepy.
So let's skip the answers this week Eh?

So this weeks mind-tingling body-shaking riddles!

Easy: drive me mad,For love of me, easily beaten,Never free. What am I?
Hard: you've heard me before,
Yet you'll hear me again.
Then I die, till you call me again.

Stay safe.
Don't finagle.
Plot your revenge carefully.
Save icing for last.
Eat yur peas so mum loves you most.
And umm... Answer these riddles!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

This one... Wait no.. Yes.. Well...

*Fireworks brightening up the sky*
So, how was your New Years?
I had a great time apart from my mum feeling queasy,
fainting for no reason, and having an ambulance take her to the hospital for injections and
x-rays. The doctors didn't find anything wrong but bad way to start a year.
Anyway, that's another story.
So for awhile I haven't done a voting poll, so here's a new one.

You would rather:

Grenade-Bruno mars
The Time- Black eyed peas?